Tell Your Best Work Story For The Medium Writers Challenge

Roxane Gay, Kurt Andersen, and David Dennis, Jr. are judging the category

Kaushik Viswanath
2 min readAug 6, 2021


Have you had a unique or defining career experience you’ve always wanted to tell others about? Do you have that great quitting story you can’t resist sharing, or a complicated work conundrum that needs to be navigated in writing? Do you think we’ve been doing hybrid work all wrong and have an original idea to fix it, or sage advice for a billionaire on finding work-life balance? Whatever it is, you should tell that story — or make your argument — on Medium, for a chance to win $50,000.

In case you missed the announcement last week, Medium is running its first ever writers challenge, and one of the four submission prompts is a subject that’s especially close to Marker and Index readers: Work.

To submit your entry, all you need to do is publish your essay (500 words or longer) on Medium with the tag “MWC Work” (or one of the other three challenge tags) by August 24. The judges’ favorite entry in the category gets a prize of $10,000, and the best entry across all four prompts gets the grand prize of $50,000. Click here for the full guidelines on how it works:

We can’t wait to read your incredible work stories. Happy writing!

Please note: To avoid any interference with the judging process, posts tagged with ‘MWC Work’ will not be considered for publication in Index while the challenge is ongoing.



Kaushik Viswanath

Previously: Creators & Marker @Medium and business books at Penguin Random House.