I Went Back to the Office in Virtual Reality and It Made Me Crave a Boring Cubicle

One year after going remote, ‘Job Simulator’ helped me experience the mundane but beautiful moments of beige cubicle life once more

Bobbie Gossage


Screenshot: Job Simulator

It’s been 378 days since I was last in an office. On March 6, 2020, I packed up my laptop, rode a packed New York City subway home, and have spent the vast majority of my time since then locked in my home/office/bunker, a one-bedroom apartment in Queens. But this week I decided to take a stroll down memory lane and visit the office again in the only way I felt comfortable: via the Covid-free experience of a virtual reality game.

I’m new to the world of VR. I’ve been playing video games since the eight-bit Nintendo Entertainment System days, but I never really had much desire to play games with a VR headset on. That is, until the pandemic hit and I was stuck looking at the same four walls for a year. Turns out a lot of people had the same idea: VR headsets like Facebook’s Oculus Rift have been hard to find this past year due to increased demand as well as supply chain issues caused by the pandemic.

About a month ago, I got the PlayStation VR as a birthday gift and was excited to finally try it out. After I played just a couple games, it…



Bobbie Gossage

Contributing editor at Fast Company Formerly: Dep editor of Marker at Medium, Exec Editor of Inc. Magazine, Director of Editorial Content at LearnVest and Etsy.